Monday, April 14, 2014

Maeghin's 3rd Relaxation Exercise

It's time to get some new spring apparel so you decide to stroll (walk) through the outside shopping mall and peruse the shops. You are enjoying the warm sunshine and the light breeze and exclaim "Oh what a beautiful day."  Suddenly the wind whisks away the wad of cash in your hand. "Oh no!" You sweep your arms to catch all of the stray bills (sweeping high and low).  The last dollar flies into the nearby shoe store. You start to peruse the aisles of shoes, when suddenly you see them.... the ones.  You've been searching for these shoes for nearly six months! But they're on the topmost level.  You're so excited you forget to call a clerk and reach for them yourself (reach as high as you can).  You then put them on anxiously (reach down to your feet) and take a look in the mirror.  A perfect fit! And they're on sale! You sigh with joy as you are united with the suede Doc shoes you've searched for for so long (aaaaahhhhhh). :)

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