Friday, May 9, 2014

Reflection by Melanie

One thing that I will take away from this class is thinking not as an instrumentalist but as a vocalist. A lot of what I have had to in a sense unlearn are habits I have picked up from playing piano. Learning how to project my voice and be confident when I sing. I've never had confidence to sing in front of people so that is one thing that I have overcome through the class. Another thing that I will take away from this course is the benefits of picking out appropriate warm ups and why some are more beneficial than others. I've learned that you do not just pick out random warm ups. You have to look at the music you are working on with your choir and see what will help them grow as singers.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Reflection 200-500 words Tom Bassett

The largest concept I will take away from this course is thinking vocally.  This includes standing correctly, having my mouth in a singing position as I lead, singing preps for the class to come in instead of speaking them, and using hand gestures that promote healthy singing; essentially everything I do should be done in a way that will suggest good vocal technique.  Other important items in the class were learning technical terms and physical characteristics about that voice that I don't believe I would have learned otherwise.  The greatest lesson that I learned as an instrumentalist in the vocal world is to speak the music.  I used to do this when I was young until a conductor at a summer music camp told me that I need to start using my singing voice.  Ever since then I've had no idea what to do in order to sing and this class has helped me largely in having a foundation to fall on.  I believe having the book and cards are a valuable resource in my music career even if I never end up directing a choir.  The course has helped me in the area of composition in that I now begin to understand what makes a piece a high school piece, or a professional piece and can adjust my writing accordingly.  It has also helped in the technical aspect of writing; what makes sense vocally and what does not.    I believe this class was a valuable and necessary experience towards a music education major. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Life Warm-Up Exercise No. 3

Its a late night at the end of the semester and one of your friends decides that it would be a good idea to sneak out to the pond and go for a swim across and back while security is locking down the dorms...

You jump up from your seat, throw some swimming trunks on, and run out of the dorm with your buddies. You reach the edge of the pond and remember that the last time you went swimming you pulled a muscle in your twist, turn, and stretch your whole upper body and then proceed to bend down and do some calf stretches.

After a long, open sigh you jump in the cold water! You swim across, racing your friends one end to the other. Once your back to your starting spots, you jump out of the pond, run back to your dorm, shut the door and are home safe! Ken Morris will never know...

Life Warm-Up Exercise No. 2

You are the worship leader for a small church in the middle of nowhere, PA. Its time to tune your guitar before the morning set. You bend down to grab your guitar, put the strap around your body, and give the guitar one large and round strum for a sound check.

You pluck each string with your right hand and tune each peg with your left hand stretched out to the top of the guitar. Your bass player who is standing next to you isn't paying attention so you play a prank on him by stretching out your right hand and quickly un-tuning his bass guitar.

After the tuning and sound check is complete you invite the congregation to "stand and sing praises to God!" As you are worshipping you look out and see some parishioners with their hands stretched high in the air, some are jumping for joy, and others have their eyes closed and their heads leaned far back in awe of the God to whom they sing.

Life Relaxation #3

Going on an Easter Egg Hunt

It's Easter Sunday and your parents have prepared an Easter egg hunt for you and your siblings. You are very excited! You are given the ok to start search all around the house and yard. You start of by searching on top of the kitchen counter and all the book cases. You stretch up to feel around for an egg. You find one and say "I found one!" You then move on into the yard and you bend down to look under the bushes where you find 3 Easter eggs. You squeal with delight! Now you have found all the Easter eggs. Your parents tell you "Great job!"

Maeghin's 3rd Relaxation Exercise

It's time to get some new spring apparel so you decide to stroll (walk) through the outside shopping mall and peruse the shops. You are enjoying the warm sunshine and the light breeze and exclaim "Oh what a beautiful day."  Suddenly the wind whisks away the wad of cash in your hand. "Oh no!" You sweep your arms to catch all of the stray bills (sweeping high and low).  The last dollar flies into the nearby shoe store. You start to peruse the aisles of shoes, when suddenly you see them.... the ones.  You've been searching for these shoes for nearly six months! But they're on the topmost level.  You're so excited you forget to call a clerk and reach for them yourself (reach as high as you can).  You then put them on anxiously (reach down to your feet) and take a look in the mirror.  A perfect fit! And they're on sale! You sigh with joy as you are united with the suede Doc shoes you've searched for for so long (aaaaahhhhhh). :)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Tom Relaxation #3 for 4/7/14

Clarinet Warm-Up

You have an imaginary clarinet you have to warm-up.  First you rub your hands together (with your imaginary clarinet between them) to physically warm-up the wood.  You put the reed in your mouth to soak, but someone asks you a question.  With your tongue totally relaxed and unable to move (since the reed is on it) you respond in a funny voice, "Hold on a minute."  You put your clarinet together and inhale a deep breath and begin your long tone warm-ups.  Inhale for 3 counts and exhale for 12.  Now its time for fast chromatic warm-ups at a forte.  Inhale for 3 counts and exhale on "ssssss" at a forte for 8 counts while your fingers move rapidly.  Since this clarinet is imaginary you warmed up enough.  You say, "ahhhh" before you begin playing your favorite piece. 

Life Relaxation #2

You wake up on a gloomy Monday morning. You sit up in bed and stretch your arms up as you sigh "aaaah" and slowly bring them back down onto your lap. You climb out of bed and start to get ready for the day ahead. You start by pulling the clothes you'll wear for the day out of your closet. After finding all of the pieces you will be wearing, you get dressed for, the day. You start to put your shoes on when you realize you've forget to brush your teeth. You stop what you're doing and go to the bathroom and start to brush your teeth. You the. Return to your room to resume putting on your shoes. You grab your backpack and head out the door for class.

Life Relaxation Exercise #2

Today you have to watch your nieces and nephews so you decide to take them to the zoo.  The children are ecstatic to see all of the animals and frankly you are too.  The first exhibit houses the giraffes.  As you look down you see your nieces and nephews pretending to be giraffes.  So you too reach your arms to the sky and pretend to be one of these long-necked creatures.  With each successive exhibit you all pretend to be like the different animals.  You come across the chimpanzees and pretend to swing from tree to tree, while gently howling like the monkeys "ooo, ooo, ooo." Then you see the sloths and slowly allow you body to hang limply.  The last exhibit is the bird atrium, so you spread your arms out freely and flap them as you call like the melodious birds "ah, ah, ah" (sol, do, sol).

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Life Relaxation 4/2/14

One thing I have been learning lately is the importance of community within the body of Christ. This week, I've learned why it is beneficial to be apart of a local church because it brings us closer to our family.nthis family helps us grow in a world we are temporarily in. 

So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. (Ephesians 2:19-21)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Life Relaxation 4/2/14 Tom

Whipped Cream

You just finished making a delicious strawberry pie, but something is missing.  You say, "Ah Hah" after realizing you need the whipped cream.  You throw everything out of the fridge trying to find it but all you can find is a container of heavy cream.  You put everything back into the fridge where it belongs.  You put together the cream, confectioners sugar, and vanilla and begin to whip the cream by hand.  Normally it takes a lot of work to whip the cream, but this is special cream that you can whip at a leisurely pace.  After you taste how wonderful it is you run to the neighbors house to invite them over and you say, "Tutti a tavola a mangiare" which means, "Everyone to the table to eat!" (Phrase by Lidia Bastianich)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Life Warm-up Exercise

You've been studying in your stuffy dorm room for so long that you've lost track of the time. All of a sudden you realize that you have to practice piano so you say, "Oh, my!"

You hop up from your seat, quickly throw on your shoes and a jacket and run out of the door.

You rush into Buckingham, throwing open the big, wooden door, run upstairs and see Dr. Kauffman. He tries to stop you to have a "quick chat" but you say, "Oh Dr. Kauffman, I'm quite in a hurry!"

You blow past Dr. Kauffman and reach up to the box with your music and grab a binder of music.

You go into a practice room, slam the door, sit down at the bench-shoulders relaxed, and open your binder only to realize you picked up the wrong binder and to make matters worse, Dr. Kauffman is knocking on your practice room door and asking you to come to his office...

(To be continued....)

Monday, March 24, 2014

Maeghin's FIrst Life Relaxation Exercise

It's Spring time! And you know what that means - spring cleaning.  So you immediately put on your favorite super comfy cleaning sweatpants and sweatshirt.  Oh! And don't forget your special cleaning apron.  Now that you have on the proper attire, it's time to get to work.  You start off by grabbing a broom and sweeping the floor.  You sweep in large swifts and circles on the floor.  In your sweeping, you drift into a daydream in which you are dancing at a ball.  You spin with your partner in the beautiful hall.  In the moment you throw your hands in the air and lift them to the sky.  With a resounding thud, your broom falls to the floor.  "Oh, no!"  You swoop down and pick it up and dust off all the dirt that it on your feet, legs, stomach, and arms.  You examine your work on the room and decide that you've done enough for the day.  It's time for you to go enjoy the warm sun outside, and you can always finish the cleaning tomorrow :) "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Life Relaxation 3/24

Title: Homemade Pasta

You decide to make homemade pasta today.  You gather the eggs, oil, flour, and salt... but you can't find the last ingredient.  You call in a head voice, "Moooooooooooooom where's the semolina?"  You discover the semolina was hidden behind other pantry items on the top shelf.  You reach to get the semolina and continue making the pasta.  First you gently mix the ingredients then you forcefully knead the dough.  After the dough rests you diligently roll it out very long with the rolling pin.  (It takes a lot of work to roll the dough) After cutting the pasta you cook it in your pot and plate it with marinara.  You smell it with a deep breath and say, "mmmmm" you taste it and say, "ooooooo" and you are full and say, "aaaaaah."

Saturday, March 15, 2014

No class Monday

Due to Concert Chorale not returning until Monday night. We 'll catch another "interactive" time for teaching vocal technique to groups of people. So much fun!


Monday, January 27, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Gift of Gifts

MU 306 Group Vocal Technique Syllabus

MU 306 Group Vocal Technique
Spring 2014
Dr. David Harris

Class Description
A survey of helpful methods of teaching vocal technique in the choral rehearsal, students will learn how to develop beautiful group singing (“bel canto”) by knowing how to apply appropriate exercises to particular vocal problems: breathing, support, diaphragm activity, resonance, range extension, register consistency, vowel modification, etc. The class will function as a workshop in which students will develop their rehearsal/teaching skills in front of the rest of the class.

General Objectives
[General Objectives 1-7 are systematically progressive]

1. The student will know vital areas of vocal technique that should be addressed through the teaching of vocal technique exercises.

2. The student will demonstrate the ability to teach pre-existing vocal technique exercises to groups of vocalists.

3. The student will listen to groups of vocalists sing the pre-existing vocal technique exercises.

4. The student will recognize from listening to groups of vocalists areas of vocal technical concern.

5. The student will create solutions for groups of vocalists in areas of vocal technical concern.

6. The student will write their own vocal technique exercises for groups of vocalists based upon their areas of vocal technical concern.

7. The student will appreciate the vocal pedagogical progress made
by groups of vocalists.

8. The student will speak publicly, knowledgably, clearly, and affectionately.

9. The student will pray publicly, knowledgably, clearly, and affectionately.

Specific Objectives
[The General Objectives have been cross-referenced with the Specific Objectives]

1. The student will read read primary texts on the subject of Group Vocal Technique. [GO #1]

2. The student will remember what he has read from primary texts on the subject of Group Vocal Technique. [Testing] [GO #1]

3. The student will teach [by singing and public speaking] vocal technique exercises. [Weekly public demonstration] [GO #2]

4. The student will verbalize what they are hearing from the world around them. [Group discussion] [GO #3]

5. The student will tell groups of vocalists what they are hearing. [weekly public demonstration]. [GO #4]

6. The student will state solutions for the vocal pedagogical concerns they are hearing. [Weekly public demonstration/knowledge gained from the reading].
[GO #5]

7. The student will blog [five times] an original kinetic exercise based upon the observation of life-behaviors apart from the choral rehearsal. [GO #6]

8. The student will praise groups of singers for specific observable progress made by groups of vocalists. [GO #7]

9. The student will interact with the professor on public speaking skills combining knowledge, clarity, and affection. [GO #8]

10. The student will recite prayers from The Valley of Vision. [GO #9]

Course Textbooks

Haasemann, Frauke and James Jordan. Group Vocal Technique.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Hinshaw Music, Inc., 1991.

Course Requirements
1. Weekly Quizzes ½
2. Student Teaching 1/4 [5 written stretching warm-up descriptions rooted in everyday life or activity.]
3. Final ¼ (A choral warm-up for Concert Chorale or Chamber Singers)

Course Calendar

January 13
January 15
VC 12-22—GVT 1

 January 20
VC 23-33 – GVT 2
January 22
VC 34-44 – GVT 3 Quiz

 January 27
VC 45-50 – GVT 4
January 29
VC 51-55 - GVT 5 Quiz

 February 3
VC 56-66 - GVT 6
February 5
VC 67-77 - GVT 7 Quiz

 February 10
VC 78-88 - GVT 8

 February 17
VC 89-94 - GVT 9
February 19
VC 95-99 - GVT 10 Quiz

 February 24
VC 100-104 - GVT 11
February 26
VC 105-108 - GVT 12 Quiz

March 3
VC 124-132 - GVT 13 [Lab]
MP 127
TB 128
MM 129
SL 130

March 5
VC 133-143 - GVT 14 [Quiz]

 March 17
VC 144-155 [Lab]
"Building Warm-Ups from the Choral Music"
March 19
VC 155-165 - GVT 15 (Quiz) 

 March 24
"Imagination and the Choral Warm-up"
[Life-activity stretching exercise 1]
March 26
VC 166-176 - GVT 16 [Lab]
MP 169
TB 171
MM 174
SL 176

March 31
No Class
April 2
VC 188-192 - GVT 18 [Quiz]

 April 7
[Life-activity stretching exercise 2] GVT 19
April 9
VC 193-198 - GVT 20 [Quiz, Lab]
MP 195
TB 196
MM 197

SL 198

April 14
VC 199-208 - GVT 21
[Life-activity stretching exercise 3]
April 16
VC 209-213 - GVT 22 [Quiz, Lab]
MP 209
TB 210
MM 211
SL 212

April 21
VC 214-218—GVT 23
MP 214
TB 216
MM 217
SL 218
April 23
VC 219-225—GVT 23 (Quiz)
MP 220
TB 221
MM 222
SL 223

 April 28
VC 255-265—GVT 23
MP 258
TB 259
MM 260
SL 263
April 30
VC 266-276—GVT 24 (Quiz)
MP 267
TB 269
MM 270
SL 273

 May 5
VC 277-285—John Rutter Requiem (Listening/Assessing)
MP 278
TB 279
MM 281
SL 282
May 7
VC 286-300—John Rutter Requiem (Listening/Assessing)
MP 283
TB 284
MM 285
SL 277